Jumat, 30 September 2016

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Best wishes for all of us.
This time I'll tell you about two things that I always carried.
The first is the glasses, on the grounds that my eye nearsighted. So with glasses was helping me in everything in terms of vision, especially in learning and seeing things clearly. I started wearing glasses since grade 3 Senior High School while I experienced farsightedness when sitting in class 1 high school. In the first days and weeks I feel pride to wear glasses, but because it is often used as time went on became my habit to wear glasses. And in the first month of my glasses do not get along with my face but over time turned out to be suitable to wear glasses too. In my opinion there is no loss is also wearing glasses if your eyes have abnormalities.
Goods that both are certainly smartphone, especially with the times certainly require a smartphone. Not only in the teens, young children today have also been able to use a smartphone. I think the use of smartphones today is important because in the learning process was the usual need to use a smartphone. When I travel I always carry my smartphone because it's important. Not only used for the study, for my smartphone is also used to communicate well with parents and friends - our friends. And for me too, if we are traveling a lot and avoid things that are not in want of course we are going to call someone using the smartphone. Well, I think those are the two things that I always carried around - everywhere.
So is my story above, less and more shall apologize, thank you.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Senin, 19 September 2016

I would tell a story about the my photos selfie.

I would tell a story about the my photos selfie.
This is a my photos selfie. At that time i are on vacation to the beach sand long. And right his on sunday afternoon i go to the beach sand long the plan the hell want to find sunset. I go to the beach sand long that they used motorcycles and obviously with the guys. We set out from their homes at around 3.30 pm and i hit the coast sand long at 4 pm. Her lucky we brought friend who have families on the coast of sand long the so his free the entry fee to the beach. When we get to in a coast of we confusion find a place for photographs because people are still crowded on the beach. Not long after we went down to the beach to photo together friend. When again fun his photos and while play water on the beach finally sunset that we wait appear also. In a hurry his we find a place photos that the results of photo of her look good. After photography this effort is did not disappoint when we looked at one by one. Because my friend felt that they were not satisfied with the results of photo of her we continue photo selfie together again. Then we will see repeated the results of photos selfie we especially the results of a picture of me. After looking at the result of a picture of me who do not disappoint me feel a little happy. The day begin to dark, we finally hurried goes home not forget we examine our things. After check the we finally home.
Thank you for attention.