Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Aplikasi CM Locker

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

This time I'll tell you about Smartphone Apps that you love.
 Immediately on his application. Applications that I like is the CM Locker. The reason I chose this application is delicious in use for security, many more themes, cleaning trash on android and clean up RAM if full. CM Locker application of course I prefer because it has a high security facility hp so if your friend is idle to break into your android is not easy. In addition, these applications not only lock the screen of your android but also can lock the other applications on your android namely messaging, BBM, Instagram, LINE, galleries and so forth.
On the application form CM Locker lock its wide range 
of applications, among others shaped pattern, figure-shape
and others. His formidable CM Locker application if there is someone who wants
to open your android without permission from the owner and one to unlock the
third time will be detected automatically face your friends fraudulent want to
open your android. 

On the other hand the
advantage CM Locker application, also provides a wide range of themes that you
might like. The theme certainly could be a background to the android lock that
we use. His darling CM Locker themes to the application can not be downloaded
for use on others. And other uses of CM Locker was cleaning rubbish and clean
the RAM on your android. If there is a lot of rubbish piling up and the RAM is
full it automatically CM Locker provides information on android form of a
warning to clear the android used. I feel safe when using the CM Locker
application and can easily be downloaded on the android PlayStore.

Maybe that's all I can
tell you about Smartphone Apps that you love if there is a wrong word from me
beg forgiveness.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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